Nigeria Immigration Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025 | NIS Shortlisted Names PDF

Nigeria Immigration Shortlisted Candidates 2024 is now out. Here is how to check your name on NIS Shortlisted candidates list on portal. If you just want to check for Nigeria Immigration shortlist 2024, then you can download the PDF Shortlist here.

The Nigeria Immigration shortlist is a list that contains the names of those that were selected to be a part of the Nigeria Immigration Recruitment 2024 screening exercise. Which means if your name is among those that have been shortlisted, then you are qualified to proceed for screening of applicants.

The Nigeria Immigration shortlisted candidates 2024 will be published on the NIS Portal All applicants would be expected to login to the website and check if their names is on NIS Shortlist 2024.

NIS 2024 shortlist is on the Nigeria Immigration website, we will show you the steps you should take in order to check the Nigeria Immigration shortlisted candidates 2024 list on shortlist portal.

We’ve had enquiries from applicants if Nigerian Immigration shortlist is out, well, you will get your answers in this article about NIS Shortlisted candidates 2024.

Is Nigeria Immigration Shortlist 2024 Now Out?

Yes, 2024 shortlist for NIS is officially out and we will guide you on the procedures you should follow in order to check for your names. Only candidates who met the requirements that Nigeria Immigration outlined on their website has been shortlisted.

Nigeria Immigration list of shortlisted candidates was upload on the CDCFIB portal and all applicants should proceed to the portal to check for their names. As long as you applied for the recruitment and you met the required minimum qualifications, then you definitely stand a chance of finding your name on Nigeria Immigration list 2024.

Those who will find their names on Nigeria Immigration shortlist are to get details about their screening centre from the email address and phone numbers they used in registering for the recruitment exercise. Please ensure you check NIS Shortlist 2024 on time so that you can begin preparation for the screening exercise early.

You can also download Nigeria Immigration shortlist 2024 PDF online on The list has been uploaded there in PDF format for applicants who wish to download and check for their names.

How You Can Check Nigeria Immigration Shortlisted Candidates 2024

Checking your name on Nigeria Immigration List 2024 is really easy. All you need is just your mobile phone to login to portal and thereafter the steps you would follow would be outlined below. Applicants should check Nigeria Immigration shortlist using these guidelines.

To check your name on the list, kindly follow the instructions that will be provided to you below:

  1. Login to
  2. Enter your email address and your password.
  3. Allow the portal to load.
  4. On the page that opens, click on shortlisted candidates.
  5. View the list that opens and carefully search for your name.
  6. Congratulations to shortlisted candidates.

If you found your name on Nigeria Immigration Shortlisted Candidates 2024, congrats to you. For those who encountered difficulties while trying to check for their names on Nigeria Immigration shortlist portal, you can let us know what issues you are facing in the comment section below.

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